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An Indonesian girl,A recruitment agency,The Middle East,And a thousand broken dreams,Imtiyaaz, an Indonesian girl who just graduated out of high school is hired by a recruitment agency. She must travel across shores, to work with them in Dubai. Though her friends try to stop her, Imtiyaaz sees new door opening for her. She borrows money and travels to the UAE, to live her dreams. The new world, heightened expectations, and the royal treatment is enthralling and scary for Imtiyazz. Just when as she begins to settle in the place, a man enters her hotel room start buttoning down his shirt. Is it just a mistake? Or has she been tricked? What happens when her most terrifying dream comes to life? Will she make out of there and reach back home? Or no one will see her again?Read between the covers of “I’m not your Slave”, to know what happened to Imtiyaaz.